Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Buyers must be 18 years of age or with an adult over the age of 18 when picking up a rabbit. A Parent or guardian may purchase a rabbit on behalf of a minor. You may not purchase any rabbit on behalf of another person, or by acting as an agent for another party.
Our rabbits are sold on a first come first serve basis. A deposit of 50 percent of the total cost is only required if you want a specific rabbit to be held for your purchase and the more than 24 hours from confirmation of availability and an emailed or texted acknowledgement has been received from us.
Deposits are nonrefundable so make sure you ask questions and get the correct confirmations because we will on our part. There are very few circumstances where a deposit will be refunded and those are listed in our sales policies. K & R Rabbit Farm has the right to cancel the sale at any time, without any reason, and at that time any deposit received will be refunded.
We accept cash and PayPal for all deposits. We accept cash at pick up. Buyers are responsible to pay any fees related to deposits. When using PayPal please use the friends and family option so fees are not charged. If a fee is charged you will be responsible for paying that fee. It will be added on to the balance owed when you pick up the rabbit.
All sales are final. Refunds will not be offered once a rabbit has left our care.
All pricing is posted on our website and will only be discussed through email, text, phone calls, or private messages. We offer all rabbits with or without the pedigree . Prices may vary for a variety of reasons. We do occasionally have some rabbits designated for special discount pricing and those can be found under special events and offerings. All pricing is at our discretion and can change at any time.
K & R Rabbit Farm has the right to cancel the sale at any time, without any reason, and at that time any deposit received will be refunded.
Rabbits are amazing living, breathing animals. As such, we have created these sales policies for the benefit of the rabbits and to clarify expectations prior to purchase. By purchasing any rabbits from K & R Rabbit Farm, you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions stated therein. Our sales policies are also for your protection and for ours and yes, you must read them. You will find our sales policies online. We will require the online form to be completed by you prior to a deposit being accepted. You must also agree to them and they need to be completed prior to delivery whether or not the rabbit is being transported by us or someone else.
The only time you are required to purchase the pedigree is if you intend to breed the rabbit. You may also need the pedigree if you plan to participate in 4-H, FFA, or showing the rabbit. You should consult your leadership to determine your need. Rabbits purchased for Pet purposes only do not need a pedigree, but one can still be purchased if desired. It is your responsibility to determine if you need or want the pedigree, although we are willing to sell it separately at a later date except if the rabbit is being used for breeding. The price difference is not guaranteed to remain the same. Bunny Birth Certificates are available for all bunnies at no charge.
The basic answer is no, but we may meet part way, for a negotiated fee, if someone is coming from a long distance, and is within the state of Pennsylvania. We will work with transport companies for deliveries within the state or outside of the state but within the continental United States. It is the customers responsibility to make those arrangements and endure the expense of transport and also to work out the details with us. We are not responsible for anything that happens after the rabbit has left our care. We do our best at all times to sell only healthy, quality rabbits. Once any rabbit leaves our possession, we will not be held liable for any problems that arise from the transaction, either directly or indirectly.
We will not sell any baby bunny prior to 8 weeks old. We assess each baby and can keep them longer than 8 weeks if we feel there is a need to. All animals, independent of use, come from the same stock. K & R Rabbit Farm very carefully evaluates all stock before it is sold to verify the animal is healthy and free from known defects affecting quality of life. To the best of our knowledge our rabbits are healthy at the time of sale. We are not responsible for anything that happens after the rabbit has left our care. We do our best at all times to sell only healthy, quality rabbits. Once any rabbit leaves our possession, we will not be held liable for any problems that arise from the transaction, either directly or indirectly.
All rabbits sold are categorized as either pets, breeders or show/brood stock. Purpose/use of the rabbit is required to be identified PRIOR to purchase and deposit, to make sure the rabbit is suitable for the seller’s intended purpose. Prices vary based on the quality of the animal and the intended use of the rabbit. All rabbits will remain in our care until 8 weeks of age or longer if we deem it necessary.
K & R Rabbit Farm does not guarantee any rabbits future breeding ability, reproductive performance, quality of offspring, show career, temperament, size, etc. The buyer is buying the animal as evaluated at the time of purchase, without any expectations implied or expressed. If the buyer is purchasing a show or brood prospect, it is the responsibility of the buyer to confirm that the animal meets the buyers' expectations at the time of purchase and that the animal is free from disqualifications.
All babies are sexed to the best of our ability; however, it can be difficult to identify the sex of a rabbit at a young age. Mistakes can happen. When buying bonded pairs, it is very important to make sure the proper sex is identified before they leave our care. It is the buyer's responsibility to work with us to double check the rabbit's gender at the time of sale. We will not require you to take a rabbit if the sex is not as expressed in offers. If the rabbit is opposite of the other rabbit when more than one is being bought, you can decide not to take one of the rabbits. If you take the rabbits anyway it is your responsibility to keep them in separate cages and not to allow them access to one another or to have one or the other neutered. Please be aware that the costs are very high for this procedure (as much as $400 or more) and this expense is entirely your responsibility.
K & R Rabbit Farm is a privately owned rabbitry and without regular hours of operation. However, if you would like to see, inspect and/or interact with a specific rabbit or litter, you may contact us to arrange an appointment. Visitors are restricted from the rabbitry to offer the herd a peaceful, healthy and low stress environment. A comfortable place to meet the rabbits will be provided. Rabbits under the age of 4 weeks will only be held or picked up by rabbitry personnel.
K & R Rabbit Farm
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States
Copyright © 2025 K & R Rabbit Farm - All Rights Reserved.
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